CodeMark & E3 Compliance

On this page, we break down everything you need to know about CodeMark and E3. We explain the benefits of all our flooring collections having a CodeMark and how this helps streamline your specification process, as well as what is covered in the E3 section of the Building Code and how to specify wood flooring in wet areas.

If you need more guidance about gaining compliance, please reach out and one of our Specification Consultants can walk you through the steps to help streamline your specification.



We are excited to be the first and only timber flooring supplier in New Zealand to have CodeMark for all Wood Flooring Collections and now have the most comprehensive timber flooring system that is fully compliant with the new building code changes. 

Specifying our CodeMark certified timber flooring ensures the Building Consent Process is quicker, RFI’s are reduced and the possibility of council delaying consent in the submission stage of your project is eliminated. 

Our decision to undergo the process of obtaining CodeMark certification for all our timber flooring collections was in response to feedback from clients who were having difficulties getting council consent for timber flooring in kitchens and other wet areas. Now that our flooring is fully compliant with the building code changes, you can rest assured that by specifying our products, you’ll easily gain consent from council.

What is CodeMark?

CodeMark certifies that a building product or building method meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. It is an indisputable form of product assurance and has a legal status equivalent to that of an Acceptable Solution or Verification Method. In a nutshell, all CodeMark-certified products are automatically compliant with the Building Code. 

Benefits of CodeMark certification

  • Reliable quality
    First and foremost, CodeMark certification is a consistent and objective measure of quality. This means the products are always reliable, high quality, and reputable, giving you peace of mind.

  • Efficient building consent applications
    When processing building consent applications, authorities must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence of compliance with the New Zealand Building Code, provided the product is used under the scope and limitations defined on the certificate. In summary, your consent process will be much smoother. This also results in a significant reduction in the time and money spent on council RFIs (Requests for Information).

To help streamline your specification and ensure you gain compliance for your project, download our Design Guide below which walks you through everything you need to know about specifying our CodeMark certified timber flooring, as well as the steps to take in order to meet the requirements for E3 compliance. 


Download our Design Guide


What is E3? 

E3 is the section of the New Zealand Building Code that refers to Internal Moisture. It outlines the requirements for the following: 

  • Adequate thermal resistance
  • Space temperature
  • Ventilation
  • Disposal of overflow water
  • Surfaces to be impervious and easily cleaned  
  • A record of amendments is a record of changes to the acceptable solutions, verification methods, and handbooks.

E3/AS2 states that all surfaces in wet areas, such as bathrooms and laundries, must be impervious, easily cleaned, and have adequate ventilation. Having adequate solutions in place for humid environments is critical for occupant’s health, as well as the longevity of your flooring.  


Forte Design, Installation and Maintenance Guides

Our Forté Timber Overlay Flooring System Design Guide, Installation Guide and Care & Maintenance Guide are the best in the flooring industry. Our Design Guide offers comprehensive information that enables you to easily specify Forté products and includes up-to-date information on Acoustics and IIC rating (G6), Underfloor Heating, Wet Areas (E3 Compliance) and Stairway Design and Access (D1).

Our Installation Guide clearly explains each step in installing glue down engineered timber flooring for the best possible finish and the recommended products to use for the process, and our Care & Maintenance Guide ensures you know exactly how to care for your flooring once installed and gives expert advice on maintaining and fixing your floors if it succumbs to any wear and tear or scratches.

These guides go hand-in-hand and inform you of everything you need to know from specification right through to fixing any damage the flooring obtains throughout its lifespan.

For more information about E3 and what is required for your home, read our articles below.
Building code changes to E3

Building Code Changes to E3 and our solution to specifying wood flooring in wet areas

Changes to E3/AS1

Changes to E3/AS1 - Wood Flooring in Kitchens and other Wet Areas

What is CodeMark?

What is CodeMark and what does it mean for E3?